
Monday, March 28, 2016

End of Semester and Shelf Exams

Hey All,

Sorry I've been MIA for the past for the past few weeks. We have been finishing up our semester and taking NBME Shelf exams in Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Pathology. Its been CRAY-ZEE. I have been studying pretty much all day every day. It all payed off this past week. I passed all three! Yay! Second year is officially over and I am on to studying for Step 1. 

I was lucky enough to be able to take some time off between my last shelf exam and starting to study to be with family. It was wonderful and really helped me fuel up for the long days ahead. I find there is no better way to prepare for long stretches of studying than to hang out with my family and friends. They keep me focused on what is important and on my long term goals. 

How are all of you doing? Did you have a good Easter? In the upcoming week I'm going to make a post about how I studied for my shelf exams and what I wished I had done differently. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 20, 2016


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Hey All! 

I'm trying something new. I have had a bloglovin' account for a while (its a great way to get all of your favorite blogs in one place!) and thought that it was time for me to join

If you have an account, follow me!

Hope you're having a great weekend! 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Daily Medicine Blog

Hey all!

Today you can find me over at Daily Medicine Blog talking about long distance relationships. If you haven't checked this blog out before you are seriously missing out. It is truly amazing. 

Here is the direct link to my post:

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Hey all!

These past few weeks have been crazy! We just finished out last unit exam on Friday and are now onto two weeks of NBME Shelf Exams and Clinical Skills Exams. We had our last classes this week and our last mandatory class last Friday. (All but a few of our lectures are recorded so that we may choose to watch at home or come in to class.) I cannot believe that soon I will be finished with my second year of medical school! Where has time gone?

My grandmother used to tell me all the time that the days are long, but the years are short. I would nod and tuck it away, but to a kid time seems endless. Medical school is without a doubt showing me how right she was. The individual days have seemed to drag on and on and on. Hours spent in the anatomy lab felt like days. Studying cases made some days feel like years. Yet, suddenly it was over. It was infinite and fleeting all in one.  Second year repeated this pattern. Didn't we just start learning pathology? When did taking a history become so second nature?

As I sat in our final mandatory class, Case-Based Learning if you're wondering, I looked around at my classmates. It was the last time that I would see many of them until fourth year. (We are split into different clinical campuses next year and I am at the smaller of the two. There will be about 40 students at my campus.)  I will miss them. My class has become like a large, dysfunctional family and I wouldn't trade any of them for the world. They are amazingly funny, passionate and caring individuals. I know they will be amazing physicians.

I guess that the point of all of this is just to remind not just you, but me as well, to enjoy this time. Yes. Enjoy your time in the hell that is medical school. It is a completely unique experience. Soak up those late night study sessions. Appreciate the work you put in. Embrace the bonds you are forming with classmates. It will be over before you know it. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Life Lately

Hey All!

The gorgeous little park we found!
Just wanted to do a quick catch up. This weekend my boyfriend (who I will call B on here) came for a visit to celebrate our four year anniversary. (Time has just flown by!) We didn't do anything particularly special, just hung out and went on a mini road trip. It was lovely. On a side note, B and I love to do mini road trips/day trips where we just drive around and see where the road takes us. We almost never take highways. You miss so much when you do! We found a delightful little county park that was basically deserted, despite the beautiful weather. While there we met a woman who was involved in a bird rescue program and got to meet her stunning red tailed hawk. I didn't want to startle the bird, so I didn't take any pictures, but let me tell you. She was gorgeous! 

On Monday B dropped me off for class and then we went to the local zoo. I love the zoo in cooler weather. Not only is it half price, it is also not crowded at all! We were lucky enough to see the tiger up close, as well as several elephants. The penguins were being fed while we were watching, which was super cool to watch. They sure were picky eaters!

B left this morning while I was in class. Saying goodbye never gets easier, but I just have to keep in mind that it is only temporary. This is our last full week of classes of MS2 year. Its CRAZY. Where has time gone? Didn't I just put on my white coat for the first time? Next week we have our last (ever!) unit exam and then the Shelf exams come rolling in. I'll be posting more about that in the weeks to come, but for now I just want to sit back and soak up this time. Soon my classmates will be split up between two campuses and then my rural medicine peeps and I will be flung across the state. I want to appreciate my time with these wonderful people while I can.

That's about all my lovelies. I hope you are enjoying the beginning of a new month!